Friday, January 21, 2011

TV - Early 2011

My friend, The Pop Culture Curmudgeon, wrote a short blog post about what she's watching right now. I realzied that my comment was actually longer than her blog post, so I made my response a blog post instead...

I've been getting a real kick out of Community and Cougar Town. I tried the new Americanized revamps of three British shows, Being Human, Shameless and Skins, but wasn't really impressed by any of them. Check out the originals instead. They're all available via Netflix. (you can even stream Skins instead of waiting for the disks.) Chuck is back and entertaining as ever. TNT's Southland is good and provides my Ryan Atwood fix. And Friday Night Lights... (mildly spoilery)

Well, I didn't think it was possible for FNL to get any darker... I mean, how do you top going to jail so your brother won't have to or becoming paralyzed from the waist down?... and then came season five. It has been so good, so heartbreaking, so... well, so FNL.

Coach and Mrs. Coach have been amazing as always - and how much do you love that Billy and Mindy have become role models? That absolutely cracks me up.

I do kind of wish they hadn't followed Julie to college - I really haven't cared for that story line at all, and there's been enough heavy stuff without it.

While I love they way they brought Street and Saracen back, and would love to see other favorites before the series ends, I kind of don't want to watch the last couple of episodes. I don't want to say good-bye. Ever. I know it it's ridiculous - it is a t.v. show after all - but I'm that attached to Dillon and its denizens. And don't even get me started on Tim Riggins... (I would completely watch a spin-off about the Riggins family, wouldn't you?)


Other than that, I'm patiently waiting for Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries to come back next week. It's been way too long.


  1. I feel the same way about Friday Night Lights. It's gotten so good again this year! I love the idea of it going out on a high note, but I'm not ready.

    I'm also enjoying Episodes, even though it is hard to see Joey with gray hair!

    We get to check out Mr. Sunshine soon, so we can support your cousin's career.
